The December 2023 meeting of the WNY Region SCCA was called to order by David at 8:32 pm on December 4, 2023. The meeting was held virtually via Zoom.
Minutes: A motion to accept the minutes from the November meeting was submitted by David and seconded by Carrie. The motion was passed by acclamation.
Treasurer: The treasurer submitted his report in absentia.
Membership: 244 members.
Club Racing: Nothing submitted.
Ice Racing: In 38 days.
Solo: The Solo awards banquet is set for January 20th. We are in the process of acquiring end of season trophies. Register here:
NEDIV: Nothing submitted.
New Business: We are investigating Moog as a possible autocross site for next year.
Old Business: None.
Announcements: None.
Adjournment: A motion to adjourn the meeting was submitted at 8:38 pm by Jim and seconded by Joe. The motion was passed by acclamation.